Monthly Archives December 2016

Why is an Advance Directive Important?

Many people do not like to think about end-of-life issues because these issues are uncomfortable. This could be due to many reasons. Some people are afraid of death. Others are afraid of the unknown. Whatever the reason is, it is important to think about end-of-life issues and create a plan to help with the decision-making. End-of-life issues govern what happens to our minds and our bodies when we are no longer capable of making decisions for ourselves. One of the most important issues surrounding end-of-life care is an advance directive. And advance directive has a number of legal and financial implications
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An Overview of Frontotemporal Dementia

Many people have relatives who are living with dementia. The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. This is a form of dementia that most are familiar with. On the other hand, there are other forms of dementia that you should be aware of, along with the most common symptoms. The second most common form of dementia is called frontotemporal dementia. This is also known as Pick’s disease. Patients who suffer from this form dementia are often very difficult to deal with because the dementia erodes the frontal and temporal lobe of the brain. For the best prognosis, it is vital
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An Overview of Treatment Options for Alzheimer’s Disease

Most people know someone or have lived with someone who has suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. For those who do not know, Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia. It is a progressive form of dementia that impacts someone’s ability to learn, recognize, and remember certain ideas or facts. People will start to notice that patients suffering from Alzheimer’s will have trouble remembering where they put their items, recognizing certain faces, and performing executive tasks. This is a disease that is best treated if caught early. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the treatment options that are available. These
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An Overview of Long-Term Care Insurance

Most people receive health insurance either through their employer or from the government. Health insurance is important because the medical bills that can pile up on someone gets sick or ages can cause a significant amount of financial stress and strain on a family. It is not uncommon for hospital bills, especially those with ICU stays, to run in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. Most families would be crushed if they were forced to pay for this on their own. As people age, the medical bills start to become more common as our bodies breakdown. What most people do
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