This Resource Center is designed to give you the information you need and help you find answers to navigate this challenge in your life. Here you will find a library of articles, videos, guides, checklists, and more. Feel free to browse and if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reach out at 1-888-376-7298.
Dementia comes in many forms, progresses at different rates over time, and affects everyone differently. In some it can cause severe short-term and/or long-term memory loss, depression, aggression, and many other symptoms. Check out our resources here to find the latest information on this disease and what you can expect.
Dementia can cause a drastic shift in your lifestyle and the lifestyle of your loved one. Here you will find a variety of articles, videos, checklists, and guides to helping you take care of your loved one at home. This includes information on mental well-being, home resources available to you, hygiene care, and more.
Although dementia and related memory diseases such as Alzheimer’s are incurable and progress over time, health and fitness can play a large role in helping to manage the disease. With advice on nutrient intake to hydration and physical exercise to vitamin supplements here you will find everything you need to make sure your loved one is healthy and fit.
Understanding the costs and legal ramifications associated with taking care of your loved one – whether they stay at home or you are placing them in a facility – can be daunting. Here we will bring in both financial and legal experts to help you understand what to expect, how to plan adequately for the future, and your rights as a caregiver.