Monthly Archives March 2017

Women and Alzheimer’s

According to recent statistics, 3.2 million of the 5 million Americans presently living with Alzheimer’s disease are women. While men have a 1 in 11 chance of developing Alzheimer’s over the course of their lifetimes, women’s chances are 1 in 6. Why Are Women More Likely to Suffer from Alzheimer’s? For quite some time, researchers have attributed the increased rate of Alzheimer’s among women to the simple fact that women live approximately four to five years longer than men. The logic is simple. Alzheimer’s is an age-related condition, and so individuals who live longer, whether male or female, will necessarily
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Four Ways Dementia Patients Can Benefit from Pet Therapy

Several months ago, your beloved, senior loved one was diagnosed with dementia. Unfortunately, since this time, your elderly relative’s symptoms have worsened significantly. If you can relate to this scenario, you likely want to do everything in  your power to help your loved one thrive, instead of merely survive, with this common, mental health problem. To improve the quality of your relative’s days, consider the following four ways dementia patients can benefit from pet therapy. Improved Mood Dementia patients face increased risks of developing depression. Thankfully, research suggests pet therapy can improve the moods of those battling this mental health
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